Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Health Benefits of Beer Essay Example for Free

Health Benefits of Beer Essay My topic that I chose for this lit review is beer. I decided to do beer because it is something that me and my dad have in common and can bond over. Beer is not just an alcoholic drink for me there is more substance there. Beer is interesting because every beer company makes their product differently. Also beer is one of the most sold products in the world and I would like to find more information of it. Humanities: Miller, Carl. â€Å"Beer and Television: Perfectly Tuned In. † All About Beer 25 Feb. 2008: 29. The source Beer and Television: Perfectly Tuned In would fall under the category of Social Sciences. It would fall under this category because the article is about beer commercials and how it affects business. There is really only one way to judge a beer commercial and that is is if the commercial makes consumers buy the product. Every commercial is a little different but every one of them has the same message, buy my beer. The article discusses the way the beer industry grew due to television. Every beer company realized they needed to make their product well known so that people would go out and buy it. These companies did this by creating short and sometimes funny commercials. The search for the perfect beer commercial has been around since the invention of the television in American culture in the 1940’s. In the 1940’s no one knew what a good commercial was because the television had just been made. Since the prohibition era had just ended beer breweries were wary of putting their product on the air at first. Some critics thought that this type of commercial intruded peoples’ living rooms and thought it offended people. For this reason the breweries only aired the commercials late at night and never on Sunday. The American bar was the first home of the television. In Chicago half of all television sales were bars. Meaning that the beer companies could target their product directly to the beer drinker in a bar stool. In the early days of television, television was dominated by sports programs. This is great for selling beer because â€Å"sports sell beers†. The article does a wonderful job of showing how the beer industry grew immensely due to television commercials. I like how many industries used tough macho men to promote the light beer campaign. Also the catchy jingles and funny cartoon skits would get stuck in your head so that when you went to the bar or to the alcohol store they would buy that product. The article used easy words so that the common man would be able to understand and reflect upon it. The article shows how competitive the beer industry was for the best commercial, giving the reader a descriptive past of beer. This article is linked to my topic because it shows how competitive the beer industry was with selling their beer. Mennella JA; Beauchamp GK Developmental Psychobiology [Dev Psychobiol] 1993 Dec; Vol. 26 (8), pp. 459-66. Beer, breast feeding, and folklore. It is common practice in our society to breast feed. It is believed in folklore that if the woman breast feeding drinks beer, than the baby will become healthier. Some other folklore is that if the woman drinks beer it will increase her milk supply, lessen the feeding pain, and it increases the hormone needed to create breast milk. So a group of scientists decided to have an experiment to see if drinking a beer really did do all the legend said it did. They had 12 lactating women with infants participate in the experiment. Six of whom drank an alcoholic beer before feeding and the other six drank a non-alcoholic beer. Then a week later at the same time as the week before the roles was reversed. What the experiment found was that: the infants drank less milk when the mother had the alcoholic beer, drank for longer, the women felt they had leftover milk in their breast, and the babies acted the same with both milks. Scientists would have liked to keep researching but, prolonged exposure to babies less than one year of age can cause ill effects to the their motor development skills. This article was interesting since there were so many myths about alcohol and breastfeeding. The article gave the reader many statistics about breastfeeding and how slight differences can change the milk. The article disqualifies all of the folklore of drinking a beer before breastfeeding. I hope women read this and realize that giving their babies low doses of beer can hurt their growth and will actually decrease the amount of milk the infant will drink. This article is linked to my topic because many women drink a beer before breastfeeding because they believe in the folklore. Social Sciences: Bretting, Sandra. â€Å"SMALL BUSINESS THE FLOW OF BEER. † Houston Chronicle ISSN 1074-7109, 11/08/2009, p. 4. The source SMALL BUSINESS THE FLOW OF BEER Keeping the kegs on course Logistics company tracks empties and gets them back fast for refills would fall under the category of social sciences. It would fall under this category because the article is about how a small business handles there kegs. Many people buy kegs for multiple reasons. One reason is that you can buy 170 or so beers for much cheaper than buying them by the 30 pack. Also is it refillable and there for saving the environment by not using cans or bottles to drink the beer. Every company though has to be able to track their kegs and get them refilled as soon as possible. Whenever a beer keg becomes empty it has to go back to the brewery to be refilled. So the beer stores would collect their kegs and send them back to the brewery which was usually in Europe. But since most beer stores handled around 90 products this made the logistics overwhelming. So a man named Brady 25 years ago created a freight company that transported products by rail. A few years later Guinness Co. of Ireland hired Brady to handle their logistics for returning their empty kegs. After that deal the company took off. The company officially launched its beer logistics product in 1994. The product was called Kegspeditor Sytem, the system collects empty kegs from beer stores, returns kegs to the brewery, and then documents the entire process. The article does a good job of showing how one small company came up with an idea and made millions. I like how the article gave an exact description of what the company does. Also the writer makes the reader feel good about the company because it helps the common beer drinking man and the brewery and the environment. The article is a bit of a tough read since it is about logistics but, still interesting. The article shows that there are many things that happen with a keg that most people do not realize. This article is linked to my topic because beer kegs are a big part of the business aspect of beer. Kirkby, Diane Journal of Popular Culture; Fall2003, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p244-256 â€Å"Beer, Glorious Beer†: Gender Politics and Australian Popular Culture. â€Å"Beer is a religion in Australia,† according to Cyril Pearl. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s there were multiple myths about Australians’ and their beer. One myth was that their beer was the strongest in the world and was meant for tough men with chest hair. The second myth was that they could drink the most amount of beer. There is a very strong relationship between masculinity and beer. In fact in the 1920’s to around the 1960’s women had no correlation with beer besides serving it in Australia’s society. So during that time period the men would get off work at five and then drink till 6 at the bar, because that is when it closed back in the day. This closing time for bars was known as the â€Å"Six O’Clock Swill† where the working men of Australia would get hammered in one hour. Getting drunk every night was considered the good life in this culture, consequently during this time period there was the highest amount of divorces. This article does a fine job of explaining the history of Australian drinking culture and how it changed through the years. The reader learns that drinking was and still is a big deal in Australia. Also, this reading made me realize that Australian men may be fierce with their drinking but, in the more recent decades women have become just as fierce. The article uses some different dialect terms at times so that made the article a little hard to read. This article is linked to my topic because it is about how beer affected and affects Australian culture. Natural and Physical Sciences: LESKOSEK-CUKALOVIC et al. : Beer with Improved Functionality, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 48 (3) 384–391 (2010). New Type of Beer – Beer with Improved Functionality and Defined Pharmacodynamic Properties. Almost everyone enjoys an ice cold beer at the end of a hard day. Beer is the most popular beverage in the world. There are many reasons explaining why it is so popular. One reason is that it is a cheap alcoholic drink. Another is that there are so many different choices in choosing a beer. Thirdly, recently found out in fact that beer has health benefits. In healthy dosages beer is very good for you. Some health benefits include: reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood cholesterol levels, diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia, and a beer day is better for your heart than a glass of red wine. Beer however does have disastrous effects on your body if you consume excess amounts of it for a prolonged period of time. Good news though is in recent studies beer has the ability to lessen the chance of getting colon cancer. The most important biological factor found in the beer’s hops is the compound xanthohumol (XH). XH has the ability to stop major enzymes in cancer, particularly colon in moderate drinking. This article was extremely interesting in how it gave a beer a good name. It seems like many people are against beer because it turns gentlemen into cavemen. But, if those people would read this article their eyes would be opened to what beer really is, an alcoholic drink that is actually good for you in moderation. The best information in the article in my opinion was the fact that a beer a day is better for your heart than a glass of red wine. Article was extremely factual and had many statistics. This article is linked to my topic because it shows the positive effects beer can have on the body. J. D. Pedrera-Zamorano et al. / Nutrition 25 (2009) 1057–1063 Effect of beer drinking on ultrasound bone mass in women. Osteoporosis is a major health care issue. This disease is the weakening of bone mass causing more broken bones. Good news is that medicine has increased the life expectancy of the average woman. But, with more age comes more likelihood to get a disease especially one associated with age, such as osteoporosis. Women post menopause are the most likely to get osteoporosis. The older one gets the more calcitonin they lose. Calcitonin is one of the major attributes that keep your bones healthy. Recent studies have shown that moderate drinking increases calcitonin output. Also, in beer that does good for a woman’s body is flavones, it slows the post menopause effect of losing calcitonin. Another attribute of beer that helps prevent the deterioration of bones is silicon in liquid form. Since beer is second to water in providing silicon in liquid form to the western hemisphere’s diet, one could say that beer could help promote bone formation. I found this article very intriguing because of the health benefits, especially for women. Most women do not enjoy drinking beer because of the taste, but maybe after reading this article they will change their minds. The reading had many facts, large words, and stats. This article yet again gives beer a good name in how it can help people. This article is linked to my topic because it shows how the beer can help prolong the life of women.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Explanation Of The Poem From Snowbound :: essays research papers

Explanation of the poem from Snowbound The main theme of Snowbound is that no-matter what happens, family will be there to help and comfort. This theme is demonstrated widely throughout the poem and even more so in the last stanza of this excerpt. Another, less prominent, theme of Snowbound is the meaning and involvement of God in the lives of people. The first stanza describes the moment before the storm. â€Å"A chill no coat, however stout, Of homespun stuff could quite shut out,† This stanza begins to set up the obstacle that the family must overcome. When Emerson describes the storm as â€Å"less than treat† and then goes on about the intense cold it brings he also is describing God. God is caring and loving but he is also vengeful and just. The second stanza is about the family preparing for the storm. â€Å"Meanwhile we did our nightly chores,† suggests that they were perfectly calm together, everyone knew what to do and they did it. The third stanza is describing the snowstorm beginning; â€Å"Unwarmed by any sunset light The gray day darkened into night† The forth stanza tells of how the outside looked after two straight days of snow; â€Å" And, when the second morning shone, We looked upon a world unknown,† The fifth stanza is about the family continuing on with there chores after the storm. Despite all that has happened the family still continues on, quite happily as a matter of fact; â€Å"Well pleased, (for when did farmer boy Count such a summons less than joy?)† This stanza also shows how God is good because even after the snowstorm the animals are all still alive. The sixth stanza describes their solitude and isolation from the outside world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Beyond the circle of our hearth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No welcome sound of toil or mirth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unbound the spell, and testified   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of human life and thought outside†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The seventh stanza is when the family makes a fire; â€Å"We watched the first red blaze appear†. Surrounded by snow in all directions, they make a fire witch symbolizes hope. Explanation Of The Poem From Snowbound :: essays research papers Explanation of the poem from Snowbound The main theme of Snowbound is that no-matter what happens, family will be there to help and comfort. This theme is demonstrated widely throughout the poem and even more so in the last stanza of this excerpt. Another, less prominent, theme of Snowbound is the meaning and involvement of God in the lives of people. The first stanza describes the moment before the storm. â€Å"A chill no coat, however stout, Of homespun stuff could quite shut out,† This stanza begins to set up the obstacle that the family must overcome. When Emerson describes the storm as â€Å"less than treat† and then goes on about the intense cold it brings he also is describing God. God is caring and loving but he is also vengeful and just. The second stanza is about the family preparing for the storm. â€Å"Meanwhile we did our nightly chores,† suggests that they were perfectly calm together, everyone knew what to do and they did it. The third stanza is describing the snowstorm beginning; â€Å"Unwarmed by any sunset light The gray day darkened into night† The forth stanza tells of how the outside looked after two straight days of snow; â€Å" And, when the second morning shone, We looked upon a world unknown,† The fifth stanza is about the family continuing on with there chores after the storm. Despite all that has happened the family still continues on, quite happily as a matter of fact; â€Å"Well pleased, (for when did farmer boy Count such a summons less than joy?)† This stanza also shows how God is good because even after the snowstorm the animals are all still alive. The sixth stanza describes their solitude and isolation from the outside world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Beyond the circle of our hearth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No welcome sound of toil or mirth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unbound the spell, and testified   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of human life and thought outside†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The seventh stanza is when the family makes a fire; â€Å"We watched the first red blaze appear†. Surrounded by snow in all directions, they make a fire witch symbolizes hope.

Monday, January 13, 2020

How Sports Can Improve Team Relations

Team sports are a great fun way to instil strong teamwork values in staff that have to work effectively together off the field. Team Sport Spirit As a sports team functions in much a similar way to a workplace team – with members cooperating with one another to achieve a common goal, sport participation is a good way of further instilling the important principles of teamwork in a group. A lot of the same rules of the workplace team can be played out on the field or court. For example, if one person fails to pull their weight then the whole team performance will suffer. And conversely if one individual dominates then the performance of others will be adversely affected. Feeling undervalued and second best, their morale and motivation will droop. In both arenas the only way to achieve a victory is with a team working in harmony and on equal terms with one another. As with sport, a team may comprise of the most brilliant individual talents but if they don’t work well together then the team will be worthless. The Mechanics of a Good Team It’s easy to accept that the key lessons of team sport are the same as those in the workplace, but beyond that what can sport teach employees about teams that they can’t pick up in the workplace? For starters, the benefit of taking team relations out onto the field is in providing a more direct and boiled down display of how a team should function. On the field success is made or broken based on the effort – or lack of – of the competing players. If there are any weak links on the field, for example, then the upshot will be swift and decisive. It’s not so clear cut in the workplace where success and failure is not judged in super fast one hours bursts. Lazy individual members can generally drag the team down for a long time before the negative effects become apparent. Therefore by participating in sports, team members learn the effectiveness of ‘pulling together’ in achieving a goal and hopefully apply the same principles to their work. Team Bonding and Communication Team sports not only instil a belief in the power of effective teamwork but also they help improve team bonding and the relationships between team members, so that they can better achieve that goal. Encouraging staff to participate in team sports together on a regular basis is an excellent way to allow team members to get to know one another better and build up stronger and more productive relationships both on the field and in the workplace. Sport promotes a numbers of qualities that are valuable in the office, such as trust, respect, effective communication and good old fashioned comradeship. If team members find success together on the football field or badminton court, for example, then the bond they form with one another will hold strong in the workplace context. Often it doesn’t even matter whether certain people don’t get on in the workplace. On the sports field there is no room for frosty relations – for the sake of the team players must put their differences aside and cooperate. Hopefully success together can help people to put their petty differences aside off the field too.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The United States - 1445 Words

The history of the United States tends to be understood through analysis of periods of conflict. From the Revolutionary War, to the Civil War, both World Wars, the Cold War (and its affiliate proxy incidents), and finally modern day. What this skeletal description misses are the individual struggles of people who spent their lives marginalized due to societal stereotypes and discriminatory legislation. Groups have been affected due to identities that include but are not limited to: race, religion, ethnicity, immigration status, and sexual orientation. Of course this history of identity politics is not limited to the US, but the exploration of the LGBT movement within these borders can offer an important perspective on the tumultuous†¦show more content†¦LGBT acceptance has varied greatly over time in every culture in the world. For example, while it is commonly accepted that homosexual relations were common in Ancient Greece and Rome, the same cannot be said for the Middle A ges’ Holy Roman Empire. In American culture throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, sodomy was the phrase used to describe all â€Å"deviant† sexual acts. A homosexual lifestyle was unthinkable, mainly due to the high rate of Christians who devoutly believed in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. However people such as Walt Whitman, Charlotte Cushman, Emily Dickinson, Henry James, among others all achieved greatness in literature, the arts, and other fields, while also maintaining a secretive LGBT identity (Norton, 2004). To say that the proven biological inclinations of LGBT people is a â€Å"new† occurrence that exists solely due to societal acceptance simply contradicts historical evidence. At the turn of the century, metropolitan areas began to have secretive subcultures that allowed queer citizens to socialize among each other. This largely went unnoticed by the government until the 1914 Portland Vice Scandal, when over fifty people were detained and tried for engaging in sodomy in Portland, Oregon (Boag, n.d.). This brought the issue of homosexuality to the mainstream and quickly led to nearby states enacting harsher punishments to discourage such activities, including the demand for sterilization.