Monday, February 24, 2020

Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and Traditional Management Assignment

Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and Traditional Management Practices - Assignment Example According to the research findings, the difference between Total quality management (TQM) practices and traditional management practices in relation with management systems is that in TQM, all employees of the organization play their role in improving the efficiency of the organization in order to achieve long-term success through customer satisfaction. Both management and the employees make their efforts to improve the business processes and policies. Whereas if we talk about traditional management practices, we can say that the management staff practicing tradition management is more concerned with business processes and the customer side is often ignored or given less attention. Another negative aspect regarding traditional management practices is that the management is less innovative and does not want to involve employees’ views in decision-making processes. Organizational structure refers to the way through which management of an organization use employees and department s to drive the organization towards the achievement of different goals and objectives. For any organization, such as healthcare organizations, the structure plays an important role in its success because structure clarifies roles and responsibilities of every employee. â€Å"Organizational structure provides the guidelines for the system of reporting that drives an organization†. TQM views organizational structure as one unit whereas traditional management takes it as different units putting their efforts to achieve their respective goals. TQM gives importance to collective efforts to reach organizational goals and objectives whereas traditional managers do not want to take ideas of employees in making any kind of policy and views all departments as different units of the organization. Management’s role is critical to the success of any organization. For example, in a healthcare organization, management assigns tasks to different departments based on the nature of task s and the departments make their efforts to complete those tasks. The role of management using TQM is quite different to the role of the management practicing traditional management style. â€Å"TQM takes into account all quality measures taken at all levels and involving all company employees†.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Characteristics of a True Hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characteristics of a True Hero - Essay Example This depiction of a hero is only a myth, in reality, a hero is an individual who has abundant amount of strength that is physical as well as emotional in nature, who is brave enough to put his own life at stake for the wellbeing of others, has the ability to stand against pain and is very humble in nature. In movies, several heroes such as the superman, batman and the ironman have been depicted saving the world and human beings tend to acknowledge these heroes with appreciation (Oropeza 5). In the real world there are several heroes around human beings, but they are simply ignored and their importance is never realized. Body Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and they represent different professions, even a common man and a simple man can even be a hero. An individual is not born as a hero; he develops into a hero as his life basses on. People such as cops, fighters of fire, military officials, lawyers and well as doctors can even be regarded as heroes if they exhibit characteristic s of a true hero and if they make the lives of other human beings better through their fearless nature and valor (Jackson 81). An arm official fighting on the border does not fight because he is a psychopath who has an eye for killing other individuals; his main purpose of fighting is the wellbeing and safeguard of the people of the nation he is representing. Both the cops as well as firefighter have repeatedly risked their lives to ensure that the people of their society are safe. Individuals who are on death bed and experiencing tremendous amount of pain due to their health condition and are still fighting against their health diseases without taking up mercy killing as an option to relief pain are heroes (Walsh 1). The most important characteristic that an individual requires to be recognized as a hero is bravery. Heroes have a special condition called bravery because they stand against their darkest fears and are courageous enough to continue fighting even if they fear that thei r attempts may fail. Heroes tend to be determined in nature, they never back down and continue to fight even if they fail during attempts (Rabieh 163). A hero is a person who makes several moves before he finally achieves what he started working out for. This is because attempts to perform a heroic act can fail again and again, but a true hero is one who continues to keep attempting to win even though previous attempts may have failed. A true hero is one who is dedicated to a particular cause and he is dedicated towards that cause in order to protect the interest of others and not to protect his own interest (Mosse 52). He believes that he has a higher purpose and continues to operate to attain that particular purpose. For example Martin Luther King Jr. was a brave hero who stood against slavery at the time when black Americans were suppressed and being killed for standing against the whites. He was an individual who believed in attaining rights for the blacks in a non-violent manne r and continued to make public speeches and led non-violent marches for over 2,500 times in order to help the black Americans attain their right of voting, equal opportunity and civil rights (Moral Heroes 1). He continued to march and use non-violent measures to protest even though his marches were strongly condemned by the police who tried to stop him by arresting him. He was a believer of non-violent methods of protest and he believed that violent measures were wrong and cannot be used to stand against wrong doings. A hero is one who scores high in endurance and who does not give up